On this page, you can find the descriptions of the priorities of our research and development work as well as publications and final reports for the projects in which Helen Electricity Network has actively participated.
Priorities of our research and development work and publications
The operating environment is changing at the global, national and local levels. Climate change mitigation has a wide impact on the energy forms used, energy efficiency, the size and location of production units and, consequently, on the electricity distribution need.
The growth of cities also calls for a closer urban structure, which puts pressure on compact electricity network structures. As a result of the changes, the structure of the entire electricity distribution system must be reviewed. In our research work, we seek the best solutions both at the system level and in individual technological applications.

Increasing flexibility
Electricity system management needs even more flexibility than before due to the increase in weather-dependent production. We are studying the impacts and utilisation possibilities of the flexibility market in the management of the distribution network and in the planning of customers’ connection solutions and network service pricing.

Development of the electricity network
With the constantly increasing density of the urban structure in Helsinki, the electricity system also needs compact network and technology solutions. The current high-voltage network based on overhead line technology is gradually being replaced by a cable network. An excellent level of the security of supply, which is required in a metropolitan environment, must be retained in this development.

Network asset management
Electricity network operations are an asset-intensive industry. The amount and condition of the assets determine the basic level of quality and costs of electricity distribution. The methods of asset management are constantly developing, and various IT-based applications bring new opportunities. The benefits of these are investigated in our research projects.

Energy transition
The energy transition also has its significant impacts on the business environment of the distribution system operators and the various sectors of distribution system operations. We monitor, analyse and develop our operations, contributing to the implementation of the energy transition.

Sector cooperation
We aim to promote the research and development activities of the sector in cooperation with various organisations. With international and national operations, we gain innovative research direction for the benefit of the entire electricity network sector. Helen Electricity Network is active in the field of research and development in industry cooperation, e.g. in Cigre, Cired and the Electricity Research Pool.